

Hello, I am the Divyanshu Gogna (Divy), the owner of the dcgogna.com site, This is a very small site, meant to show some of my work, my guides, My bio etc. I will post some of my projects, achievements here. If you like any further details please kindly contact me directly at help@dcgogna.com for anything. I will do my best to make some time to contact back.

If you like to meet and discusss me in person I am in Adelaide, Australia. Kindly email me or contact for specific appointment at a specific place.

In addition I may also be able to refer you to someone else I know, who would be able to help you out further more better than me, if I cannot help you out.

On side note, you wont generally find much about me out in open internet. I like to keep my things private to myself, that being said I am not at all closed to sharing my project, bio etc with right opportunties and people.

[Career and Education]

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